Content Marketing Score Social Marketing Advisor


A web application that helps social marketers define success by contextualizing their performance with their peers and by seeing the results based on the actual audience they are trying to reach. By providing information about recommended next steps based on current results, sales reps are made into trusted advisors.


Allow a sales rep to enter their client’s company and quickly get to information that tells them how their client’s efforts are doing. There are virtually unlimited audience targeting combinations and the rep may need to explore the results for many segments to find recommendations they want to share with a client.


After entering a company in the tool, list of peer companies is auto-populated along with the groups that the company has been actively participating in. With these parameters set, the rep can see data points about the client’s marketing performance as well as recommendations that the rep could make to help their client in the future.

By placing small, but readable, versions of the charts all on the screen at once, the rep can change segments quickly to explore the results. Once the rep finds the data they want to share, they can click to have it built into a presentation directly, or scroll down to populate the full-sized charts as images.

Beyond the common targeting segments, a rep can customize the audience in a way that is used consistently through the insights portal. By providing a name for the custom segment, the custom audience can be labeled in the charts without having to specify the full recipe multiple times.