College Solved College Detail Page


As part of a comprehensive site design and development project for a college information startup, landing pages for each US college were created with relevant stats.

Challenge was in an early part of their development and was reliant on government data and did not have access to reviews, user photos or other editorial content. The main challenge of this page was to lay out the data in a way that was straight forward, but used visual design to make the information seem more fun.


Visual interest was created using more graphic layouts of information. To bolster the existing information, I proposed a personality test that plotted current college students along three axes according to client-selected student archetypes. The existing user base that could be contacted by prospective students (colored dots) was supplemented with (compensated) non-users that took the same personality test in the form of a survey.

For reference, this was the first proposed wireframe. Through conversations with the client that uncovered additional requirements and constraints, we arrived at the final design above.

The client allowed updating of the original logo, but required that the concept remain the same. I adjusted the colors and proportions and proposed a way of styling the logo to look like a patch. This would match the overall visual design that they desired. To produce the effect I first created a comp by splicing together images of baseball cap stitching. Once I had client approval, I had the patch actually executed and and photographed. The final logo is a composit of 6 different patches to combine the most regular parts of each one.