Talent Analytics Custom Recruiting Report


By providing LinkedIn with information about who a company wants to hire, and where, a custom PDF report is generated on a regular basis and sent to LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions customers. The report is customized to the client and their particular needs and is laid out dynamically based on data availability and other constraints.

View Sample Report


The reports are sent out through email rather than presented on the web, so it was decided to generate a PDF on the fly that could alter its layout depending on the content of the report while fitting into the constraints of page layouts without causing odd page break artifacts.


A python-based library was selected that uses HTML and a vendor-specific set of CSS to generate PDFs. Sass was used to manage all of the styling and layout. To mitigate page break issues, the layout was set up to allow for long strings where location or company name information was entered, numbers were formatted to use at most four characters (e.g. 934, 1.2K, 202K, 1.0M), and all dynamic advisory text had to fit specific size constraints.

A sample page from a generated report (dummy data) that shows a client’s likely prospect of being able to hire Industrial Engineers in Brazil, as well as a ranked list of cities with the best prospects.

A sample city report for one of the top cities of hiring Industrial Engineers in Brazil (dummy data). Since many pages contain similar data, color is used to provide context on which section you are looking at (e.g. red is for country-level data, purple is for city-level data).